

May 19, 2004
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How do you acclimate mollys (who are brackish) from the freshwater you see at the lfs to the brackish water they're supose to be in?
the first week I add 1 T per 10 gallons. see how they do after a week, they should be fine because aquarium salt helps all kinds of fish, then up it to 1T per 5 gallons :hyper:
I thought you had to go much higher then 1 tbls per 5 gallon for brackish. I think I've done that so far and my sg is 1.004. I thought you had to float the mollies and slowly add water... :dunno:
There are many arguments as to what constitutes brackish water. In the wild it can vary enormously from almost totally fresh to almost completely sea water. the problem is further added to by the fact that many brackish species spend much of their time moving from one extreme to the other! In the case of mollies I wouldn't worry too much about having very brackish conditions. 1tbsp per 5 gallons should be fine for their natural lives. Aquarium salt is usualy fine for this and also for many juvebille brackish species as I have found that too much sea salt sends the Ph over 8 which can be too high for thoe species found in fresher waters.

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