Clamped fins and bloating are usually a sign of a bacterial infection. If the scales are NOT protruding off the body (pineconing) then it's not dropsy. Bacterial infections can cause fin/body rot, which may result in some loss of scales in patches.
What are your water stats in this tank? Inflammed gills can be a sign of high ammonia/nitrite present, so if you have a test kit (preferably liquid kit) could you do a test of the full range and post the results here, thanks.
If you're unable to test the water today, don't worry, do a 50% water change asap and a gravel vac (if your stats are high this will help bring the levels down and help prevent other fish becoming ill). Increase the aeration if possible (e.g. if you have an airstone running in the tank, turn it up full).
If you are in the UK you can treat with Myxazin or something similar (anti-bacterial) from your LFS. I've always used Myxazin in the past so I can only recommend what I've used and had success with.
Not sure if you've left it too late to rescue this fish but it's worth a try - and even if this fish cannot be cured, you will at least be taking measures to prevent your other fish going the same way...
Regards - Athena