Molly with popeye

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Apr 19, 2004
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Kent, england
My black lyretail molly has got popeye. He is in a 60 litre tank with lots og other fish.

The tank had been set up since December 2003, and has plenty of plants. Its my sister's tank but she kinda neglected it. Her Moonlight Gourami died, and my black male lyretail molly got popeye. I treated him yesterday with pop eye medication, but I think he's gonna die, will Popeye kill him? I'm not sure how long the medicine takes to work, and he is flopping around on the bottom. He does get up to swim around the tank, just normal, then float back down to the bottom. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong other than his popeye.

Last time my sis did a water change nitrite was nearly normal, everything else normal. Can he get better? My silver molly is already mourning him, he keeps flaoing by his side and flipping his fin up and down.
I am very sorry. The best advise that i can give you is to keep using the popeye medication and hope for the best. Is he in a quarintine tank. Doesnt sound like it, so are you treating enough so it gets to him in the tank? One they have it all you can do is treat the cause and thats that. You are doing the best you can.
Yeah my sis dif a water change straightaway, and I treated the whole tank with the medicine. I hafve to repeat the medicine tomorrow, I can't really put him in a quarantine tank, my tank has 3 small guppies and a baby molly in it, so they can't really go in with my sisters gourami he's not very nice. Alright, thanks for your help.

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