Molly Tug-o-war


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
Based on a true story.

Black Gohst Knife and Molly Tug-o-war

Ok here is the deal. I keep a juvanile Black Gohst Knife with several large mollys. (By large I mean fat) So anyway. I feed my Black Gohst Knife tubafex worms. (The kind that come in cubes) I feed my mollies the usual dried veggie flakes and the occasional freeze dried blood worms.
So anyway the other day when I was feeding them. The eager mollies swam up to the top expecting the usual. They got a big surprise when I droped the cube in for the BGK. They tried nibbleing it and bitting it. When the worms finally started to poke there heads out it was utter chaos. The mollys had a hold of worms on different sides of the cube. (There were 5 in all) It was really quite ammussing to see all these mollys fitting over this cube of worms. This continued on for about 5 minutes, untill the BGK finally got wind of the cube of worms. He swam up from the bottom and grabed the largest worm. Most of the mollys were scared off by the BGK, all accept for one. The longest and fatest female sailfin molly. Seeing how the BGK is so much larger then the poor molly, he began to trag her and the cube of worms down to the bottom and into his cave. The determined molly did not let go untill the BGK finally returned to his cave with his spoils. The molly gave up and returned to the top of the tank and started feeding on flakes. I felt bad for my molly she really wanted those worms. :-(

P.S. I was really bored when I wrote this.

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