Molly problem


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
Fredericton, NB, Canada
hey - i haven't seen a fish do this before EVER, so I'm curious.
My molly is at the bottom of the tank sitting there flickering its fins frantically and not moving. Anyone know what's going on?
also, whenever it does come out, it darts around fast and is always hiding. The people at the lfs said they were compatible with my tetras, and so did the online guides I read.
solmartin said:
hey - i haven't seen a fish do this before EVER, so I'm curious.
My molly is at the bottom of the tank sitting there flickering its fins frantically and not moving. Anyone know what's going on?
Is your Molly pregnant? My Platy acted like this when she was giving birth. If she's not giving birth, then I dunno... :no: Hope all goes okay!

aka Lizard
I honestly don't know about whether she's pregnant or not. She's relatively new to the tank and I'm hopefully assuming it's just because it's a new environment.
Is she 'shimmying'? Where she doesn't move forward or backward,m just side to side very fast while frantically moving her fins? Is she staying in one spot usually? Whats teh water parameters? This sometimes happens with high nitrates...
thats what happend to one of my guppy's did that for 1 day then the next things she died very strange mate sorry

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