Molly isn't looking good


Fish Herder
Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
Queensbury, New York, USA
I just bought three black mollies and didn't know that one was pregnant. She ended up giving birth sometime during the day after I bought her. Ever since she had been bent like an r. She doesn't seem to be getting any better either. She is still eating and can move around the tank but obviously not as well as she used to. I feel so bad but don't have any idea of how to help! :-(
Hi guppy monkey, do you have a picture? It definately sounds like some sort of genetic disease, was she like this when you bought her? As long as she is still eating she should be OK... keep us posted... I don't think there is anything you can do just keep water conditions good and make sure she is feeding.
Sorry guppy monkey, i dont have a clue.... but atleast it is still eating! (congrats with the fry)
have you rested the molly?

it takes alot out of the fish to give birth. so if yes i suggest moving it to another tank to recover in peace, as being placed straight back into the tank is only a stress for the fish and once the other fish notice the molly is weak it will then begin to get bullied.

so rest is needed.

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