Molly Has Big White Spot On The Head


Fish Crazy
May 7, 2006
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My last molly had a big spot on her head and it sort of dissapeared but then went black. A few days later she died

A few weeks on another female molly has the same spot, same look to it, in exactly the same place.

I done a 50% water change the other day, added a bit of aquarium salt and fertlizer for the plants

amonia and nitrite is 0ppm and nitrate around 20ppm for the plants.

No idea what the spot is or what medication I should buy. I've included two pictures. I've raised the temperature to 84-85 degrees hoping that might help. Any other suggestions?


White spots on the head can be columnaris spots does it have a tinging of red around the edges, hard to make the pic out.
White spots on the head can be columnaris spots does it have a tinging of red around the edges, hard to make the pic out.

Doesn't look like it mate , cannot see any, but I read about columnaris spots and the last molly who had the spot went brown as well :unsure:

I raised the temperature yesterday so I should put it back down I guess? Haven't got a hospital tank no more either
Going brown can be columnaris to velvet.

In the pic it looks like a patch of white.
Going brown can be columnaris to velvet.

In the pic it looks like a patch of white.

I got some antibiotics for the tank which I can use for two days and have melafix handy if needed after that. Do you think I should raise the temperature of the tank again?

I'm not sure if the antibiotics will destroy the good bacteria, so I've taken taken some of the filter wool out into a bucket of aquarium water in the next 3 days. not sure if thats a good idea
Don't raise the temp columnaris thrives in high temp, meant to turn it down.
Antibiotics destroy the benefical bacteria so it wise to keep the filter tunning in a bucket with a heater and keep adding flakes dialy to keep the bacteria alive.
You need aeration in the tank with meds as they reduce 02 in the water.
Don't raise the temp columnaris thrives in high temp, meant to turn it down.
Antibiotics destroy the benefical bacteria so it wise to keep the filter tunning in a bucket with a heater and keep adding flakes dialy to keep the bacteria alive.
You need aeration in the tank with meds as they reduce 02 in the water.

Ok mate I'll aerate the tank, didn't think to do that, running co2 for the plants as well!
Good Luck.
Don't accession the acting columnaris thrives in top temp, meant to about-face it down. Antibiotics abort the benefical bacilli so it astute to accumulate the clarify tunning in a brazier with a boiler and accumulate abacus flakes dialy to accumulate the bacilli alive.

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