Molly fry



I woke up this morning to find that all of my molly fry were dead except 1. They were in a breeding trap because when i tried to put them in the main tank, my rosy barbs ate 6 of them. They were fine yesterday! Does anyone have any ideas why they all died?
Was there good through-flow of water in the trap? It may have been a lack of oxygenation that killed them. Sorry you lost them
Sorry for your fishies :-(

I dont know about the death though.....

when i was breeding mollies and some time they would just go belly up.

i think mabye FRY are more sensetive to stress such as getting their mates eaten or temp changes.

Is their any thing that might kill them in the tank?
Any sick fish?
The flow through the trap wasn't fantastic, I have to admit. My cory has a weird blip on the end of his nose which I have asked about before, but no1 replyed. None of the others seem to have anything though so it can't be that contagious, if at all.
Were the fry eating? Sometimes fry look fine but are really starving the death. Also how long has the tank been established and what are the water parameters? Fry are extremely sensitive to ammonia and nitrite. Or it could possibly be disease but I would check the others first.
M-li said:
... My cory has a weird blip on the end of his nose which I have asked about before, but no1 replyed.
Hi M-li :)

I'm sorry that you lost your fry. :-(

But, about your cory...... I didn't see your earlier post. Did you ask it in Catfish Cradle?

Corys are very sensitive to the conditions of the tank bottom, so make sure it's vacuumed regularly. How big is the gravel in the tank you have him in? It could be the cause of your cory's problem.

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