Molly Fry


New Member
Sep 10, 2003
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I've got about 10 molly fry I'm keeping in a 5gal tank on my kitchen counter.. I used 50% water from my cycled tank and 50% new water.. I've added dechlor and some "cycle" bateria cultures..

My plan was to just change 1/3rd of the water a day and not use a filter (so that it doesn't vaccum up the wee lads!) until the fry are large enough..

Also, I keep my house between 72-74F, do I really need a heater?

- Mike
Someone quote me if im wrong but i heard that guppies, mollies, etc can do without a heater (depending on the temp).

May be best off buying a Thermometer and put it in the tank to get u a temp reading.
I have a five gallon tank with an overhead light and that keeps the water at the perfect temperature. I just leave it on for my fry. And I have a filter, and they learn to stay away from it. It's natural for them to resist the current, I guess.
I just have mine in a little one gallon "Little Creatures" tank. I have no filter or heater. 12 of the fry are about a month or more old, and they haven't been in a filtered tank since they were born. They are all doing very well!!! I also use the overhead light for heat. But it has been pretty warm in my house (80+ degrees) for the last week and a half, so I haven't had to use the light for a while.
if it's a power filter you have, you can cut up some panty-hose and attach them around the intake part of the filter, still lets water run through but still too small for fry to fit through
i agree with omer none of my aquariums are heated
but i still keep a thermometer in them.
keep a soda bottle filled with water in the freezer if
the temp becomes to hot put a cap on the bottle and
put it in the aquarium. and vice versa
this way no water is added and the temp turns normal

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