Molly Fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
HI all,

I am new here and have a question.. My molly is pregnant and she is due in a week or so..My problem is she is acting all strange like she did when she had her first fry. Could she be having them sooner then expected? Shes hiding behind the tree's, up near the heater and I know this will sound odd.. But she is a silver molly and when she is close to giving birth she turns almost all black? Then once she has them she goes back to her normal silver colour.. She is getting the black fins, face and body already which is why I wonder if she is closer then I thought! Any idea;s?

I noticed yesterday in my panic with my other girl that she turned grey/black when under major stress but as far as I know she isnt pregnant! She is bigger then the male and looks old! I will post pics as soon as I can.. Perhaps it will help more with answers!
Hmm, mine was doing the same actions as your fish, and about 2-3 days later she had her babies :)
Mine is a black molly so she didn't change her color :)

Hopefully this pic works.. It was just taken about 10 mins ago..

She doesnt look as dark in this pic.. Interesting.. But in the tank her colouring is really off!
By the picture I would say she has at least a week or more to go, she's not very big yet, their stomaches get squared when they are very close to delivery, her's doesn't look like it is yet..
but that's just my opinion :good:
yepp, she looks like she is going to drop soon, when you watch her drop, notice that when she does have one she will turn her body into a u shape, when she does this, you now she has either started dropping or will drop very soon! good luck, let us know how you get on! :good:

i havet had livbearers in a while, but id say the max of a week untill she drops x ;)
Here's a pic of my molly a couple days before she dropped


notice how squared she is?
that's what yours should look like, I mean, I could be wrong, but most of my fish that I've had always get squared off before they drop (my livebearers anyways) :nod:
funny it was mentioned the white mollies get dark when in labor.. I noticed mine getting dark when she was in labor and right before but thought she just gets darker when stressed. lol.... I thought maybe she wasn't a ture silver molly. lol.
I have been reading and looking at the pictures and the last time she dropped she didnt square off like that one.. She got fatter and started darting around the tank then dropped 5 fry behind the tree.. Unfourtunatly only 3 survived then the little one died 3 days later :(

She shouldnt have them according to her last drop till this weekend -monday-tuesday area! However she is acting like she will drop anytime now.. strange! I am getting a bit stressed because my other molly is in the same tank with her! My 30 gallon holds the male molly and he is driving the girls crazy so I had to seperate them! I dont want her to give birth only to have the babies eaten by my other molly girl! I am keeping a very close eye on her hoping to get her into the breeding trap before she drops!

Thanks for all the info. :)

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