Molly Explosion


New Member
May 30, 2007
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near Richmond Va
im an avid fish lover and owner, i have a tropical community tank and something crazy just happened. My orange balloon molly, skittles, has been pregnate since we got our white balloon molly, tic-tak, a few weeks ago and she gave birth in a very violent explosion. :sick: Her side ripped open and out came some sort of birth goo and 5 tiny babies. then my other fish came to the injured molly and helped rip what was left of her apart. I've never heard of fish exploding and i know she had given birth before (when she came to us she was pregnate and gave birth just fine to one little one) and i also know that this kind of behavior isn't normal. has ANYONE ever heard of anything like this? is there something wrong with my fish or tank or could it just be a fluke? :/ im concerned
im an avid fish lover and owner, i have a tropical community tank and something crazy just happened. My orange balloon molly, skittles, has been pregnate since we got our white balloon molly, tic-tak, a few weeks ago and she gave birth in a very violent explosion. :sick: Her side ripped open and out came some sort of birth goo and 5 tiny babies. then my other fish came to the injured molly and helped rip what was left of her apart. I've never heard of fish exploding and i know she had given birth before (when she came to us she was pregnate and gave birth just fine to one little one) and i also know that this kind of behavior isn't normal. has ANYONE ever heard of anything like this? is there something wrong with my fish or tank or could it just be a fluke? :/ im concerned
sorry to hear that...cant help. :sick: :sick: Fish explosion with goo :sick: :sick:
Good luck :good:

Whoa! ONe of my female guppies just died giving birth but exploding!!!!! :-(
I'm just guessing here, but maybe she had a blockage i.e. a stuck fry or something. Which meant that her latest batch of fry and waste couldn't get out which may have fermented and just got to the point where it burst through her skin.

I'm sorry for your loss, something like that happening must've been very traumatic for her and you :(

once one of my guppies got so fat when it was pregnant her skin/ scales started to rip.. i was really worried but then she gave birth and twas ok..
:huh: :crazy: :sick: :blink:
That is really weird and gross and sad and confusing and, and, and....

I would like freak if I ever saw anything like that! Pore fishie....
:huh: :crazy: :sick: :blink:
That is really weird and gross and sad and confusing and, and, and....

I would like freak if I ever saw anything like that! Pore fishie....

So sorry for your loss! I have never had a pregnant molly explode--but I did have a female balloon molly who was ill --literally disappear from the tank one day--Since we never found her on the floor, we assumed that she died and her other molly companions ATE HER! That was pretty traumatic--like watching yours go after the exploded one.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your fishies,
Shocking!!! :eek:

I hope the fry can survive now and bring some happiness to the horror of their birth.

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