Molly Babies


New Member
Jan 22, 2007
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i have balloon mollies an i woke up this morning to 30 new babies an i was wondering if there is any special needs i should know about. i do have them in a hatchery at the mo
congrats on the fry,
just feed fine crushed flake 3-4 times a day in small amounts,
keep water nice and clean, in a few weeks try some brine shrimp, then you will have to relocate them somewhere as 30 in a hatchary is quite a lot, good luck Donna :good:

I'm no expert, but we just had silver mollie fry born New Years day.

A couple of things i've discovered.
They LOVE water change! I've tried to do a partial water change daily. I did this whilst they were in the breeding net, and now i've moved them to a seperate tank.

Because they were in a community tank as soon as i noticed they were attracted to the bloodworms i fed the other fish i began giving them a little (frozen) I think the chasing was more fun for them than the eating! lol. One would grap a worm and run around with the others chasing and snatching. Funny to watch!

Anyway, we had about 40 fry and it soon became too crowded (about week and half) in the net. So luckily i had another tank to use. I rinsed the filter in the water of the new tank and got it up and running for 2 days before putting the fry in. I put in some floating plants. They have really thrived. I've now put in the adult Mollies.

I feed them 3 times a day. They have ground fish flakes and a little frozen bloodworm.
I still do partial water changes daily which the clearly love.

Hope that helps. We all have to learn by experience! lol (still learning!)
heres 2 pics of me molly babies the 1st ones when they was first born the second one is 3 weeks l8a


Mine are 3 weeks old now. Just thought I would mention that they are prone to bacterial infections. Just keep an eye out for signs. I usually lose a few to it out of each batch. It is hard to see at first on white fry.
Good luck :good:

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