mollies had babies


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
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ive put them in a breeder net. what do i do know how do I care for them?

cheers nick
im new to mollie babies too but i managed to save one about 2 months ago & put him in a breeder container that fixed to the side of the big tank
we bought special fry food & until we got that powdered up normal fish flake till it was really really fine & fed him that 3-4 times a day.....i also uprooted a small algae covered plant from the main tank & floated that in the breeder box to give him some cover/shade from the lights & he nibbled the algae. seems to have worked cos the little fish is now 3/4 inch big & is thriving in the main tank with the big guys :D

oh & i found another teeny 3mm big baby the other day & its now in the breeder box too :D
Hi my dalmation molly had 30 fry last night atleast that is what I count they are in the breeder net hanging in the fry tank do you think it will be okay to release them in there with the platy fry that are 3wks old or should I wait?????

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