Mollies Dieing :(


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2008
Reaction score
Yeovil, Somerset - United Kingdom
Hey. My mollies have slowly been dieing one at a time. Well I lost a serpae last we as well. I've been doing daily water changes and all tests are showing nothing. I've just noticed enother one start to sit on the bottom. Exactly what the others did..Whats wrong they've been in their 6 months happy as larry.
Not really enough to go on, Could use some more information, any of the following you can cover would help:

Water stats (what test kit?)?
Tank size?
Stock list?
Recent additions?
Maintenance routine?
What kind of Mollies are they exactly? I had some blacks before I knew they were better in slightly salted water. Apparently they can be raised in FW but it takes time, one died the day I did a big water change, so it could be that. I'd wait for a second opinion on that tbh because I'm no expert, just my experience thus far.
Do they go pale or darker in colour.
Do the act listless and lethagic.
Do the fish rest to oneside on the substrate.
Do the fish rest on plants in the tank.
What does it look like when the fish go to the toilet.
Are they still eating.
Do they look bloated or thin.
Any excess mucas on the gills or body.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing or laboured breathing.
Does the anus look enlarged or red and inflamed.

How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
What type of test kit to use you.
Can only add salt if all the fish you keep can tolerate it.

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