Mollies can be very stupid creatures

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Kopix Nation

Sep 11, 2005
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Over the Rainbow
Ok I know fish are normaly not smart but mollies god! My mollies make a rock look smart! know wounder people use them to feed eels and other salt water fish! It is so funny how stupid they are I am not trying to be mean but come on it took one of my mollies a day to figure out that his reflection could not hurt him. Boy if there ever was a turkey of the sea mollies take the cake!

Oh god I laughed so much reading your post... it's sooo funny! I've never owned a mollie myself and I've never heard they're stupid... hehehehe
My mollies are actually very smart... they know what I look like... because when I go near the tank they all come swimming to where ever I am... and just swim there looking at me.... they also are always the first fish to know when I've put food into the tank... and they're actually smart enough to come to the top of the water to eat the flake food.... unlike all the other fish who just wait till they see it being blow around in the water by my filter....

Mollies are great fish to have.. and are very smart..
Think this topic is a bit harsh. I love my fish just the way they are.
Well my mollies must have been deprived of air at birth because woowee them fish sure is stupid. Maybe they are smart just not good at showing it! My oscars are pure undefiant genus! They are the most intellegent fish I have ever seen They might even be smarter than my dog! Hey it took my dog a week to learn how to fetch it only took my oscars a day to figure out how to jump for treats. I give them pats on the head if they do something right they are really smart lil fish. Go Montie and Ciara!!!
My mollies seem to be quite found of my angelfish. They follow it around and swim around it. The angelfish always chases them away if they get to friendly. Silly fish!

I gotta admit, my mollies were often dumb as bricks, too. (BTW, that's "were" as in "moved and couldn't keep them" -- several of them are still alive at a friend's place.)

Oscars are some of the most intelligent fish commonly kept in captivity, so I'm not surprised your oscar seems to be more intelligent than the mollies!
My 2 mollies were very dumb! They bred once and the last surviving baby jumped out of the net and got eaten by the bigger fish!The pair i had would never stop eating and would pollute my tank. Platys in my experience are slightly smarter, i had two platys that also bred and the surviving baby survived on it's own by hiding from the other fish, it grew to an inch then died from ich.

I'm not really a fan of live bearers, they have pretty colors but they look so fat and stupid :crazy: IMO.
I tried the mirror in front of the tank test yesterday. The results were quite surprising:
Swordtails - neither of the pair could give a fin about their reflections. Didn't even bother to look at it much.
Hoplo - went to check it out several times, saw he could not get to the other "Hoplo" and then just turned away and minded his own business.
I think you just set the record RedTail123. I have never seen a 7 year old thread resurrected before.

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