Fish Fanatic
My mollie as of a couple of days has been just sitting around and the way he swims it looks like he is trying very hard to hold himselp from falliing on his side. He looks fine, I watched him for half an hour trying to look for dropsy or fungus or anything..he just started this...maybe the temp is too low 76 F... or maybe heis sick because of some of the algae...I have some on my glass like a square inch..does anyone know how to clean this off? He's not eating alot either and he usually fights all the other fish and takes their food...Also I noticed him vibrating once its about 1 or 2 seconds and he shakes like someone does when they are cold. It's not like he's flipping around he just looks straight ahead and shakes... my platies are healing up wonderfully from their fight and they are very active..they never were not..Is this a bad sign? Maybe there is not enough salt beacuse for a week I added about 3.5 tablespoons/day to heal my platies..I've decreased this to 2.5 tbsp/day because I noticed they were healing up?? I give him brine shrimp sometimes, those freze dried ones, and he liked them, but maybe they made him sick. Anyways, plese help, Im sort of concerned thanx a bunch,,,, B)