mollie frys are laying at the bottom

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I noticed this morning that they look like the hide is coming off from them I seperated the sick ones and I saw like the hide floating around in the tank I have the air up ful max I dont know what could be wrong and I dont know how to treat something like that I have never seen before all the readings are 0 ph is 7.3 if that helps any
I was out side doing some yard and I came back in and checked on my molly fry the one that i made the post about is still alive i found one of them dead it had a red mark above its belly i dont know what happen i have had them for over a month and i havent done anything different i also found another one laying on the bottom like i did the first one the one that died wasnt even showing any signs of being ill all the readings are 0 the only thing that i have done different was added 2 corys but they came out of one of my other tanks so they wasnt sick either could anyone give me some ideal as to what is the matter so i can try to fix it.
Fish Keeper,
I dont know what it is but I am going to do a search to see if I can find something for you

LesGerber said:
Just a quick question...........Do you have salt in the molly tank where the fry are??????

yes but just 2 teaspoons in a ten gallon tank I was afraid to put much in with them I just added it when they started laying around it has me confused I havent done not one thing different and they had been doing fine one thing i did do i fed them some blood worms but that has been a week ago. looks like they would have been sick before now and they are about a inch long i didnt think it would hurt them if i have killed them off from being stupid i will take all of my fish back to the store.
Fish Keeper, No you dont need to take the fish back, I doubt that it is anything you may have done. From what I have found so far is that they need salt in the water as they are a brackish fish. I have not been able to find anything on them laying around on the bottom or the red streak. I will keep searching in hopes of finding what this may be. If the water conditions havent changed then they have to have come down with something.


and I hope they get better

I the same problem with my guppy fry, they reached 3 weeks old and then they would go down hill, they started to shuffle along the floor rather than swim and then they would lay on the tank bottom and not move at all, stop eating and finally die.

Yet all my water chemistry was perfect and i was totally baffled.

I was told by william that they were suffering from a muscle wasting disease and sadly no cure i consquently lost all 18 in that brood. very sad i know.
Have you got salt in the water that the cories are in? If so, get the cories out - they can't stand salt at all. Sorry to hear about your mollies - sometimes, no matter how much we try, things happen that are not under our control. :no:
gadazobe said:
Have you got salt in the water that the cories are in? If so, get the cories out - they can't stand salt at all. Sorry to hear about your mollies - sometimes, no matter how much we try, things happen that are not under our control. :no:
I read up on the corys and I changed the water right then I only put 2 teaspoons in the water to start with I was afraid to put much in with the fry I didnt want to make any sudden change on the babies I just cant figure out what i done wrong with the fry to make them sick to start with.I have lost 2 so far they look healthy even the 2 that died did. I cant figure it out when I changed the water I made sure it was exactly the same as what I took out and so far they were doing fine.

Sorry to hear about your problem. This is in no way a diagnosis, however it could be a bacterial infection. We all have a certain amount of bacteria in our tanks, however our fish normally have sufficient immune systems to resist it. Maybe in this case the babies immune system was just not strong enough to fight off the bacteria. I appreciate thats not a lot of help to you but just to let you know it may be one pof those things that you could not have prevented.
Fishsmurf said:

Sorry to hear about your problem. This is in no way a diagnosis, however it could be a bacterial infection. We all have a certain amount of bacteria in our tanks, however our fish normally have sufficient immune systems to resist it. Maybe in this case the babies immune system was just not strong enough to fight off the bacteria. I appreciate thats not a lot of help to you but just to let you know it may be one pof those things that you could not have prevented.
the little mollie seems to be doing a little better it still cant swim but it is moving around the botton a little faster I cant figure out what is the matter I put a low dose of maracyn in with it I figured why not try something if I dont do something its going to die anyways so I tried it I will let you all know in the morning.
bigfish said:
Do they shuffle rather than swim? how old are they?
its like it is trying to swim but cant they are 5 weeks old I dont have a clue as to what happen but I have never seen one just shed like a snake before it is just the one mollie that is sick so far none of the rest of them hasnt come down with anything yet
That little fish has a string of poop behind it this morning 3 inches long could that be his problem but then if it is the problem why is he shedding his scales I am stumped on this one has anyone ever gone threw something like this before it is swimming a little faster even though it cant do anything but stay on the bottom of the tank
Sounds like this molly hasnt reached the surface yet to fill his air sac, might be the possble cause of his swimming problem. Does he attempt to try to swim to the top?

As for shedding it's skin im baffled to :/

The string of poop could mean that its constirpated. what are you feeding them on?

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