Mollie, Bettas And Tetras

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Oct 28, 2005
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Lincolnshire, United Kingdom

I currently have 1 male betta and 3 head and tail tetras and i'm looking for a livebearer species that will go in the tank.
I've found some info on the web saying that bettas and tetras will mix with Mollies, is this correct??? :grr:
Well, I have never kept a betta with other fish, but I've read on multiple sites/posts/etc that bettas shouldn't be kept with tetras, as tetras tend to be nippy and pick on the slower moving betta. I can't speak for the tetra/molly situation, however.
Yeah I know bettas shouldn't be with MOST types of tetras. However, head and tail tetras are one of the more peaceful tetras and don't give the betta a hard time. Or visa versa!
Bettas might be okay with Mollies, but the Mollies can sometimes be a little aggressive, and I think a slow moving Betta would be a prime target. I wouldn't risk it. Also, ideally, you should get a few more Tetras, because they are a schooling fish and like to be in groups of at least 6. :)

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