Mollie Babies


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
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My daughter is so excited she has had her fish for two weeks and her black mollie gave birth to 8 babies last night :D
We didn't know she was pregnant so didn't put her in a birthing net. The babies are hiding in trees and grass.
What i want to know is are they safe from the other fish or are they likely to be eaten?
I am also not sure if they should eat as we fed the fish this morning and they didn't eat anything.
I would appreciate any advise as we are first time mollie parents!!! :D
First of congratulations on having babies. There will probably more than 8 im sure you will start to see more. Now no the fish will eat the babies so put them in a breeder as soon as posobble. It would be even better if they had their own tank but if thats not possible then out them in a breeder. Now the parents may or may not eat their young but the other fish willl. You should defently give them first bites its excellent food for new born fry. You should also try to feed the fry about 3 to 4 times a day and rise the temperature to 82 Ferenheit if it doesnt affect the other fish. This would make the fry grow more quickly. Congratualtions again.
bones said:
What i want to know is are they safe from the other fish or are they likely to be eaten?
I am also not sure if they should eat as we fed the fish this morning and they didn't eat anything.
Thats probably becoz they are already full up with babies :lol: Get those babies out of there pronto !!!!

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