Mods Attention


May 19, 2012
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Basildon Essex UK
I've had a idea that I'm not sure will work but here goes

We have the TFF fish of the month comp and to me it doesn't seem fair for some of us that purely keep certain breeds of fish like Molly's guppy's ect an have no chance of competing against other fish as they don't seem to have the same calibre as some other fish.

I know it's a long shot but would there be any chance of trying to create a monthly comp for set groups like
Cats ect
And then at the end of the month the monthly winners go up against each other

Sortve a bit of catatory compition but only the best go up against the best of the month and then into fish of the year

I would like to put a vote on this to help see if everyone else would like to try this idea out to see if it works
Moved your post to Board Announcements & Suggestions.
I was just thinking about it. It sounds good to me. But it will be alot more work for Mods & Admin. :lol:
I agree it will be a lot of work for mods and admin it was just one of those things that popped into my tiny brain.
Obviously there wouldn't be any point starting it this year as its almost over plus there prob won't be enough time to set it up bit I'm glad someone else has liked it and its not one of my crazy ideas that everyone will look at and say jog on are you stupid lol
Its a good idea but I honestly don't think there is enough people entering enough different species of fish to warrent the massive ammount of work this would entail.

It wouldnt b much of a competition when only one or two people enter in photos in each section if we are lucky and some would be far more popular than others.

I do agree it would be nice for something other than American cichlids to be given a chance though... maybe a rule like 'once a species wins FOTM, the species is then exempt from being entered again that year'. So if someones Blue Ram won FOTM.. no more Rams for the rest of the year :good: :hey: :lol:
have searched for a way of contacting a mod, couldn't find one. If I have missed it could you pount out where it is pls? If not, could I suggest creating a link. Anyway, I need to have my name removed from the media donation list as I no longer have my large external and don't want to disappoint anyone contacting me. Thanks.

am feeling really dozy now, am guessing "mods attention" is the place tocontact a mod, lol.
have searched for a way of contacting a mod, couldn't find one. If I have missed it could you pount out where it is pls? If not, could I suggest creating a link. Anyway, I need to have my name removed from the media donation list as I no longer have my large external and don't want to disappoint anyone contacting me. Thanks.

am feeling really dozy now, am guessing "mods attention" is the place tocontact a mod, lol.
Removed you from the list, elmo :)
I know there would be a fair amount of livebearer entries :3
Any more thought on my idea ??? I liked what MBOU suggested as it gives everyone a fair chance in certain breeds
I could have sworn I'd already posted on this one.

It's been discussed previously before I was a mod. IIRC the decision was that it would result in a lot of work for the mods and admin, whilst splitting the number of entries. There's also something quite nice about being the winner of best fish, rather than a subcategory.

Also worth noting that the last couple of FOTM comps have been won by a fancy goldfish and a betta. With various cichlids doing well, including africans. I personally often find myself voting for the catfish and the gobies, and I know we have people who'll always vote for loaches given half a chance. Overall I don't really think it's that biased towards the american cichlids, just that we do keep a lot of very pretty american cichlids.
Everytime I see something like this I instantly put my developer head on. Can't help it!!

On a previous photography forum I used to own, we had a similar issue for photo competitions with different categories quite similar to this suggestion. Using the forum software alone is would be very time consuming as mentioned. To get around this I created a feature for the site which pretty much ran itself without any time taken up by the mods or admin.

If I was to do one for fish taking this suggestion into consideration, I would do the following.

Database a list just like the one in the first post:

Cats ect

Create a nice looking page that would show the currently available "open" competitions (also link there to show all previous closed competition results and the winners). This page is the entry point for the end user / member looking at a competition and it's submissions. Members then have options to upload their photos and to also vote on photos.

Set up a server cron job each month that would automatically process the competitions. This process would do the following:

1.. Automatically close the previous months competition (only useful for the 2nd comp onwards but needed).
2.. Automatically show on the competition page who the winners are and all the submissions and results.
3.. Automatically add the winner details to the side of the site like they are shown now on the site.
4.. Automatically create a set of new competitions for the new month.
5.. Automatically post a thread in the competition forum formated nicely to show the winner and the runner ups.

This process worked well for our photography competitions and involved no effort at all from the mods or admin.

Just an idea :rolleyes:

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