Modifying Biorb - Advice Needed


New Member
Aug 1, 2009
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Hey guys - newbie here!

I had a Betta in a baby biorb but have since moved him to a bigger rectangular tank. I would like to use the baby biorb for my ADF and get a few shrimp/snails as well, seeing as it is currently not being used. Ideally I would like to use a sand substrate so need to look at changing the filtration. I was thinking of keeping the bubbles for decoration but cutting the length of the bubble tube down, and putting in a small internal filter.

My question is this - how do I stop the sand from being sucked into the filter system - do I need to seal some inlets or something? Secondly, can anyone suggest a good small internal filter. The tank will have no fish as it is only 15L so doesn't need to be super powerful, but suitable for ADF.

Thanks :good:
It really would be good if someone could do a guide of some sort for this, maybe even a seperate forum ... I'd love a few ottos in mine but the bottom is too rough as it stands

Any takers ?
Remove the sponges from the filter chamber re-place with medium grade filter wool this will give you more filtration screw back in.
Buy some fine filter wool spread it out and push it over your outlet tube down to the chamber keep it in place with some gravel then top with sand. :good:
You don't need to use another filter if your just keeping snails and shrimp.
I would use a sponge filter or an aquaball 2206 or 2208 depending of how much flow you want.
As for the sand : adding some floss to the filter before the impeller should keep the sand out.

I have a modded 30l and am using a 2206 with an expantion pack added. More media, not too much flow.

I hope this helps

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