modern reefing

which would you choose?

  • live rock and a large skimmer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • algae scrubber/ algae bed in sump etc

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • DSB (deep sand bed)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Plenum

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Miracle mud

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • traditional- ocean rock with biological filter media in external filters/sump and a normall skimmer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • combination of above-please say which

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
North Devon
just wondering which fuiltration would choose and why?

ste :)
I am reworking my tank right now as you know. It is resting in its new place and I have the ... wait I wont abstract this time.

I took the biomedia out of the sump and will use the area for a tiny reverse daylight thingy. (I bought some more stuff today and probably will add a 4g plastic tub to this as well). so basically it will be LR skimmer and tiny refugum.
What I still would like to do is another 40 breeder beside the 75. I would do an all micro/macro algea thing... not sure if I would plenium it or not... origionally I would say ya.. but not sure if it would fight for nitrogen with the LR...
If I could get lots of algea to grow in this seccond tank I would eventually like to get the skimmer off the system all together. Do full on natural with algea removal. But, I am a reef well wish me luck in my experiments.
good luck with your new experiments adrinal :thumbs:

ste :)
I wanted to put my money in my tank rather than underneath it, lots of live rock with a skimmer was my choice. I do have 2 magnum 350s underneath conected to a undergravel system, I dont run them much at all, usualy only after a water change, just to calm things down a little quicker. When I do this, I always clean the magnums out before turning them on so I don't run stagnit water into my tank. I do have a power head running on both sides of the undergravel so that I keep a minammal water flow through the undergravel system.(Major pod breeding ground) I also find a ton of bristle worms down there, the LFS buys them off of me. They in turn sell them as Arrow Crab food.
I went for live rock and a good skimmer (in a sump) with a good overflow pre filter built in the tank.
I would also add a calcium reactor and a RO system.

I also took the biomedia out of the sump like Adrinal did.

I decided to try combining everything!

I've got a good protein skimmer, a large amount of live rock, a sump, and filtration pads, a biowheel, and activated carbon all built into the sump. I'm not sure whether or not it's working or not.

I have never, EVER, had nitrates, but I have a constant, very low level of ammonia (0.25 ppm). Anyone have an idea?
Im running a miracle mud system but i think my succsess is more because the reef is 5years old and packed with live rock.
personally i dont like the idea of skimmers and reefs, but the berlin system is tried and tested but thats a debate for another day,

try using a marine only test for ammonia -it sounds like your using an API kit in which case the density of the water makes it look like a trace reading even when there is nothing
I'm using a salt water kit, made by Aquarium Pharmeceuticals, inc. It's made only for salt water. . .
I always seem to run a trace also. I contribute this to my wifes feeding ritual. I can;t hardly stand to watch how much she feeds.

This is why I put the 100 gallon ref online, It helps. Volume volume volume.

In the next day or so I will have two 25gal prop tank in the loop too.


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