modern reefing

which would you use?

  • Ozone only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • U.V only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ozone and U.V

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • None

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
North Devon
after a couple of topics recently, and due to there being quite a few more marine fish keepers hee now, I thought I'd find out the general opinion on U.V's and ozone in reef tanks.

ste :)
Stek I really hate to be the newbie but what is ozone used for in reefing?

Hi ozone is a gas that is produced by piece of equipment (ozonater/ozoner) and is injected into the tank normally via the skimmer but can be injected in via an ozone reactor which just allows the water to absorb it. ozone kills some plankton/bacteria and some disease in the water coloumn. it also raises the redox potential In the tank. the redox basically is the water molecules abbility to "clean its self" and there for as you get a high redox, the water looks clearer.

so ozone has two main uses really

ste :)
I've heard lots of stories about uv sterilising and ozone cleaning saying that these methods can kill off all the microscopic life in a reef tank that helps it to sustain itself. Would you recommend uv sterilising to a newbie? cheers mat
In a reef, NO. I would not use a U.V unless there was a special reason for needing one.

ste :)
We use ozone at work on the fish-only system, it works really well can deter many parasites and gets rid of that yellow colour from heavy organics, but dont reccomend it with inverts also i wouldn't use it at home cos i dont trust the effects if it leaks!
We use ozone at work on the fish-only system, it works really well can deter many parasites and gets rid of that yellow colour from heavy organics, but dont reccomend it with inverts also i wouldn't use it at home cos i dont trust the effects if it leaks!

do you work at maidenhead?

yeah, that can be a problem but as long as the room is well vented and you put some carbon on top of the skimmer cup, you shouldn't have a problem.

ste :)
If you get too much ozone in a room, you will be aware of it. Not only will it start to burn your eyes and lungs the dust will drop out of the air and you will see it on all surfaces. I used to have a ozone generator, worked great for cleaning the air, however not something you want to run wile you sit next to it. Oh, it does not seem to affect smokers like it will a non-smoker. Any smokers that came over to the house enjoyed having it on, they told me it was easier to breath with it running!
Hotels use them to take the smell out of smoking rooms, also you can find them running in many bars and pubs. I bet you would be shocked at how much you are accually exposed to Ozone.
Yep i do work for maidenhead aquatics,
the americans use it in their a/c units because of the 'thunderstorm effect' it gives to the air, i just dont like the whole headaches and bad eyes thing guess im just a whimp
I don't know much about ozone but from what i heard, They are old school and can be dangerous to you and your fish. :(
Hazmat said:
I don't know much about ozone but from what i heard, They are old school and can be dangerous to you and your fish. :(
Ozone is only dangerous if it's misused!

They now sell small, compact units designed specifically for aquarium use. These won't produce dangerous levels of ozone because they can't! They're small and easily incorporated into your skimmer, and the biggest problem is from the plastic tube you use wearing down!

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