

Fish Gatherer
Dec 30, 2005
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What does a moderator do besides make sure everything is under control, like just what's so different from being a board member. Don't think I want to be one I was just wondering.

ok let me....
a Moderator moderates

someone was going to do it :nod: ;)
lol, u beat me!

They have more options...they can edit and delete posts even those not started by themselfs, they can move topics.....

ect ect ect.... and they can boot you..or is that just admin lol :0
As far as I am aware only William :big_boss: can ban you from the forum, otherwise one or two would have got rid of me by now :p

Mods are here to keep the forum running, moving topics to the right place, deleting spam, making sure the forum rules are observed etc etc and on top of that they are also amongst the most knowledgable and experienced members on the forum (and amongst the most grumpy too ;) )

(cough)....speak for yourself Arfie. LOL. No grumps here.

There are too many buttons to know, that's for sure. There is a lot of other stuff going on behind the scenes to keep things smooth here. Let's just say that, although SOME of us may come across as 'grumpy', most of the mods here are dedicated and caring people who put in more time than you would believe to keep things moving along, safe and interesting. SH
oh.. and they wear their underwear on the outside, right SH?
nahhh CFC must of been sick. he would for sure drink me under the table.... wait what am I saying I don't drink except on special occasions.
Nah I know they moderate and make sure nobody posts bad things and all I was just wondering if they do other stuff that isn't obvious and all.
Nah I know they moderate and make sure nobody posts bad things and all I was just wondering if they do other stuff that isn't obvious and all.

We've had this discussion already, a few months back. They moderate as Wolfie says, but every full moon, they sprout wings and gather together on a designated hilltop and perform the fishie dance. It's a very important, complex ceremony where they bond, commune, and I think there's drinking involved, but I'm not entirely sure. Oh and they gossip about us. :fish: It's kind of like either the Justice League, or the Super best Friends, but I could be wrong.

This full moon, it's in Long Island, right SH?


I really should stop taking Benedryl at night. :fun:
if Administrators administrate and Moderators moderate,
why don't Members meberate?

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