moby dick tropical tank


New Member
Feb 8, 2004
Reaction score
oxford, uk
So what do you think of these ? i was thinking of getting the tropical version and putting a few tetras and some live bearers in there. for plants i was thinking a few java ferns and i dont know what other plants to put in there. i would like sand. i would also add a few pieces of slate and maybe some bog wood but i dont want my water to be tanned. so what do you think ? -_-

oh and does anyone know where i can buy one of these tanks online ? many thanks Dannn
Soak the Bogwood for a week before adding it to the aquarium and your water will not tan. Add an air stone to the soaking tub and the process will speed up and act more effectively.

Good Luck
Perhaps a link jargon what jargon dick jargon moby jargon what?

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