mo pics


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
5" geophagus "rio areoes"

6"geophagus "rio areoes"bad shot!!great color though :thumbs:

semi old pic of my male c.comp(dwarf pike cichlid)

in the back you can see my E.debauwi(glass catfish)

and finally side shot of the 90g
thank you all for compliments :*)
Really nice tank - I like the red background, sets it off nicely

yeah i like it to but it takes away alot of my fishes color so as soon as i figure out how to get the paint off :crazy: i'll proly change it to black or maybe like a dark purple/blue so w/the lights off it looks black but w/lights on it's blue :D
ya got any suggestions?
How do you find the dwarf pike with the glass cats? I was thinking about a pair of dwarf pikes for when i get the 170 gallon set up but was worried about possible aggression toward some of the medium sized fish i have.

BTW nice fish you have there :thumbs:
hi catfish :D

[/QUOTE]How do you find the dwarf pike with the glass cats?
not to bad :/ i mean the male can be a pain but he hasn't killed or hurt any of my fish,i even have corys in there :D the only fish that really takes a beating is the female but she must like it coz this morning i caught her sneaking up on the male and took a nice shot at his tail lol i named them ike and tina :lol: :lol: :lol:

anyway they seem to practice their ambushing skills alot by hiding in plants and slowly cruising towards a fish and then take a weak strike at it :crazy: no harm is ever done as far as i can should give'em a try :thumbs: i can't complain this is proly the most peacful cichlid tank i've ever setup.
Hmmm,well i might just try some when i get the tank sorted,if i can find any,pike cichlids are quite rare in UK lfs and dwarfs are even rarer,the last ones i saw were £40 for the pair.
the last ones i saw were £40 for the pair
not sure what that equates to in US dollars but i saw them at an lfs for 30$ each :crazy: i got mine from the owner jeff rapps actually oversold when i place my order and had to sell off 1 of his breeding pairs to me :thumbs:

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