Mixing Tetras

Eagle Eyes

New Member
Dec 8, 2004
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I've previously kept neon and cardinal tetras (and loved them) and have been considering getting a shoal of a different type of tetras for my currently tetra-free community tank, in particular black neons, glowlights and possibly rummynoses or lemons.

While pondering a thought came to me...would it be possible to have a mixed shoal? Would, say, 6 of X and 6 of Y and 6 of Z form one large shoal or just form three seperate shoals? And if it is possible to get seperate tetras to shoal which ones would be most compatable, as i know nought about how tetras behave in mixed groups?

Any input much appreciated :thumbs:
The particular tetras you listed would not shoal together IME but I have had black phantoms and red phantoms shoal and the red phantoms would also sometimes shoal with serpaes or rosy tetras though the serpaes and rosy would not shoal with each other.

It tends to be species that have similar body shapes but also not very different coloration that shoal together. Lemons and belgian flags might work, buenos aires and silvertips should also shoal IMO.

I've also had different hatchets shoal with each other and some of the smaller rasboras will shoal together as well. I know those aren't tetras but their behaviour is similar and they are great schoolers.

If the fish feel threatened, probably even those you mentioned will group together as they feel safer in high numbers and that's an instinct they all share.
I have black neon tetra (4 bought Sept 03) and neon tetra (8 ) in my tank. At one point the black neon ignored each other, until I introduced 4 neon - they all shoaled together after that, then 3 neon died leaving a solitary neon - the black ignored him again, so I bought him some friends hence the 8 I have now. They shoal together as one big group of 12 fish which looks good.
Hmn neons and black neons sounds good as does black and red phantoms...i'll have to research some more. How demanding are phantoms to keep? I hadn't considered them before but they actually look quite interesting now. Thanks for the replies :)
Phantoms aren't demanding at all. They are much hardier than neons and perfectly peaceful and not fussy in the slightest. :) Great little fish and, as I've said many times before I'm sure, wonderful personalities :D. The males will display to one another and the black phantoms I have seen rapidly change color from light grey to the darkest black instantly. Wonderful characin, and my favourite tetra ;)
I had serpae tetras (six) and pristellas (eight) that would school together some. I have since taken the serpae tetras out because I downsized my community fish to a 30 gallon long.

However, the mix of the serpaes and the pristellas was quite stunning.

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