Eagle Eyes
New Member
I've previously kept neon and cardinal tetras (and loved them) and have been considering getting a shoal of a different type of tetras for my currently tetra-free community tank, in particular black neons, glowlights and possibly rummynoses or lemons.
While pondering a thought came to me...would it be possible to have a mixed shoal? Would, say, 6 of X and 6 of Y and 6 of Z form one large shoal or just form three seperate shoals? And if it is possible to get seperate tetras to shoal which ones would be most compatable, as i know nought about how tetras behave in mixed groups?
Any input much appreciated
While pondering a thought came to me...would it be possible to have a mixed shoal? Would, say, 6 of X and 6 of Y and 6 of Z form one large shoal or just form three seperate shoals? And if it is possible to get seperate tetras to shoal which ones would be most compatable, as i know nought about how tetras behave in mixed groups?
Any input much appreciated