Mixing Tanganyika or Victoria With Mostly Malawi


Fish Herder
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
Central Connecticut

Is it a bad idea to have a pair of Tanganyika or Victoria cichlids in a predominantly Malawi Aquarium? I prefer Malawi's but there are a few Tanganyika and Victoria species that I would love to have as well. I know it's not the most natural thing to do, but just thought I'd get some opinons. The Malawi species I am most likely going to keep are Pseudotropheus Salousi, with some Protomelas -- depending on availability around here. The Tang species I liked are Neolamprologus tretocephalus. The Victoria species I liked are Pundamilia (Haplochromis) nyererei.
What do you think?
And it's a nuerological fact that I can't read whatever laguage those websites are written in! Looks like German? :huh:

Anyway, I get the picture. Thx.

The reason I posed the question is because on the following website (in english!) a cichlid enthusiast makes suggestions on compatible species. I looked at his suggestions for the 55g community tank, and was surprised to see he listed species from mixed locations. Then it got me wondering....
Check it out
www.CichlidRecipe.com (The page I refered to)
Hey exiled, here are my opinions:

1) Stay away from cichlidrecipes. It is a a website filled with improper generaliztions that does not take into account many of the variables when keeping these fish.

2) Yes, mixing lakes can be done, and quite successfully at that. But this is your first cichlid tank, keep it pure and simple and then grow into it. Stick to Malawi. Start with the group of Saulosi and a protomelas specimen. There is lots of time to move onto lake Tanganyika.

3) A single tret will work I'm sure, but if you end up with a breeding pair you will have big trouble in your tank. Breeding tanganyikans tend to like lots of space and defend their territories vigorously.

4) Victorians can certainly get along in Malawi setups, but I don't think you have the room in a 50 gallon tank to start such an elaborate hap setup.

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