Mixing snail "species"


Rabid Betta Activist
Jan 24, 2005
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Ok... this is probably the most retarded question in the world, but I want to make extra sure before I do it. I have one Yellow Mystery Snail (about maybe 3/4 inch diameter currently). I want to get a Black Mystery Snail to live with him/her. However, they're always separate at the store. I assume it is for retail purposes, but before I go and get the snail a friend, I want to make sure they would be OK together.
Also, will snails fight/kill each other? I don't want my snail being injured by the new one. She's doing really great in a 5 gallon tank with fresh veggies, spirula disks, and herbivore pellets, and I don't want to lose her over something silly like wanting a tank mate.
(fyi, no other animals will be in the tank, just the snails)
I have two Black Mystery Snails in one tank with one Gold Mystery Snail, and two Gold Mystery Snails with one Black Mystery Snail in another tank, and they've been there a while. No fighting. :)
yes it is ok to mix different coloured apple/mystery snails together
if you are lucky they may interbreed (same species) and create different colours :D
The golden are usually pomacea bridgisii and the black are sometimes pomacea canalutia (sp.), the pomacea B are plant safe, the pomacea C eat plants. Look at -rains pinned post on snail ID and also look here...


Snails are peaceful and wont touch another live snail, they will however eat anything thats dead, fish and other snails included. AFAIK Pomacea B and C will not interbreed.


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