Mixing Shrimp


Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
South Yorkshire, UK
Ok, so...

I have a now 2 month old tank, water levels are fine, and I now have a fine layer of bio material on my moss and plants (my lfs said this is a form of algae that algae eaters love)...

Now, I have a few questions/problems...

a) How likely are neon tetras and a dwarf gourami to eat/attack any shrimp I put in my tank?

b) I can't decide between cherries and amanos - could I have a small group of both?

c) Could I have a group of shrimp and an apple snail?

d) (last one I promise) Do apple snails escape from the tank?

Ok, so...

I have a now 2 month old tank, water levels are fine, and I now have a fine layer of bio material on my moss and plants (my lfs said this is a form of algae that algae eaters love)...

Now, I have a few questions/problems...

a) How likely are neon tetras and a dwarf gourami to eat/attack any shrimp I put in my tank?
neons wont touch the adult shrimp, but they will eat the young given a chance. Not sure how safe a DG is with adults though.

b) I can't decide between cherries and amanos - could I have a small group of both?
you can have both
c) Could I have a group of shrimp and an apple snail?
yes you can
d) (last one I promise) Do apple snails escape from the tank?
they do occassionally venture above the water line, so ensure you have a lid

Thanks Zod :D *kneels*

I just need to find a source for the shrimp now. My awesome LFS is shutting down (I found this out as a shock yesterday when I went to empty tanks and hardly anything left :( )
Thanks Zod :D *kneels*

I just need to find a source for the shrimp now. My awesome LFS is shutting down (I found this out as a shock yesterday when I went to empty tanks and hardly anything left :( )

it you want cherries, there's quite a few people seeling them on the Classifieds section of this forum - and at very reasonable prices as well :good:
Apples snails can live out of water for days even weeks, they will make a break for it as they lay above water levle and may go for walk :p. In the wild when there's no water they curl up inside their shell in a swamp untill it rains. When i moved 300-400 snails by hand from there baby tank to their 220L i forgot 2 in the bucket with no water, 7 days later come water change i found them poped then back into the tank fine :good:
The dwarf gourami will pick at dwarf shrimp(cherry, crs, etc) and kill them. It will swallow baby shrimp whole. The neons will leave all shrimp. Amano are safe to put with most community tank fish as they are larger in size. You can have many shrimp in a tank because they don't add much to the bio-load.

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