Mixing seawater


Aug 21, 2004
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Oak Lake
About a week ago, I mixed the water and salt in my 10 gallon. I just put the salt in and put in an extra powerhead to mix it well. There wasn't any livestock or anything in it, and won't be for a while, so will it be ok that I mixed the water in the tank? And my LFS has Tonga Live Rock listed for $1.00/pound, I know thats a good price for any other live rock, but is it for Tonga? I didn't see great coralline coverage, but I didn't look very long or hard. Also, still no luck with those stupid heater suction cups, they just won't stick. The heater is brand new, any idea why they won't stick to the glass? I cleaned everything well and they still won't stick?! O, and a final question. Just so I can get set up, until I get the PC lighting, could I just use a flourescent fixture, about 40 watts worth, would that supply enough light to keep decent coralline coverage for a while? I don't plan on having that as my permanent light supply, only to keep some decent coralline coverage on my LR for a couple of months. Thanks!
Yup, tried it underwater, worked for a few hours, came off. It just wouldn't stick, no matter how many times I tried it.
Well you can get new suction caps I think, try eBay they might have it on there. If not, contact the company you bough the heater from and see if you can get more suction caps from them. I don't know what else to suggest apart from siliconing the whole damn thing straight to the auqarium glass.

BTW your sea water mixing in the tank is fine as long as there is no livestock in there.
Thanks, I figured it would be OK, and I might just use that one in my mixing tub and get a Jager for the main tank.
The suction cups you can buy in the store for relacements seem to work well. They are made by pennplax I believe.

Sean..it is fine to mix up your first go of SW in your tank. Afterward, you'll need a bucket. That is cheap for Tonga branch rock. However, if it looks like you describe, it sounds pretty devoid of coralline algae. It would probably grow back tho'. A lot of Tonga branch makes it look a bit 'sticky'...maybe you could find piece of Fiji or Marshall to go in there (not trying to spend your money). SH
Thanks Steelhealr. I think once I get some lighting, I'll be buying some of it. Maybe half of that, and the other half really good stuff.
use a dab of superglue on your suction cups, but make sure thats were you want your heater.

the $1 tonga rock is probably base rock. I agree get another type of rock also.

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