Mixing Pleco's....thanks For The Answers

Wanda hornsey

Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
I have a newly set 130Gl tank with plenty of Bogwood and a sand substrata I would like a couple of Plecos for the tank...a, I think they look lovely:wub:..... b, I would like an Algy eater C, I really think they look lovely :wub: :*) :D

What would you guys reccomend??
as I mentioned before in my first thread I do like the Golden Nuggets - the spots look beautiful and somthing similar to that would be a good start

I would like 2 different ones as I am not particulaly interested in breeding and as I have a large tank am not to worried if they get to the 8-9" size I have spoken to the owner at my very friendly and helpful LFS and yhe has said if I can let him know what I want he will try and order it in for me

Oh and I wont add him/her to my tank for a good few weeks after my fishless cycle as I understand this can be a problem for them :wub:

Thanks in advance :thumbs:
In a 130gal you geally could go for anything... avoid addonis though as they are really big.

if you like spotty - have a loot for a big white spot - they get to approx 10" and are black with white spots.

the golden nugets are nice but the final size can be a bit hit and miss... 3 different ones are normall sold - 2 getting to 6-8" and one getting to 16+"
According to planetcatfish you shouldn't mix golden nuggets together, and that they can be quite tertorial towards other bottom dwelling fish;


All plecs can be terotorial to a certain extent, alot depends on their individual personality though, although in a 130gal you could have some quite large plecs, i wouldn't mix to many plecs that are of different sizes as otherwise the smaller ones may find difficulty in competeing for food. How long and how wide is the tank?
What sort of plecs do you have available to you in your lfs do you know roughly? There are alot of quite peaceful plecs i could recommend to you, the trouble is getting hold of them, it may be worth asking your lfs does special orders?
As I said my LFS owner said he can try and order me what ever he can if I let him have names he can look into it for me. Am quite lucky in this regard..I am Nr London in England so that may have some bearing on what I can get.

The tank is 48" long 27" wide 26" deep (water depth) so 145US Gallons...

I am interested in the coloured plecs and they had some nice green plecs at another LFS ...I had also seen ( on ebay or similar) some blue with white spot plecs that looked fantastic...but dont have a clue what they were

I also heard mention of other more brightly coloured Plecs but am wary as dont want somthing thet has been tampered with (dyed etc) as beleve this is very cruel.

Any suggestions are warmly welcommed, I have been and looked at planet catfish but am a little overawed at the selection so came and asked you guys as you seem to care and know your stuff :)
If you can get pretty much any relatively unusual or rare plec, and want some natural color in them too, i would advise a group of Para plecs(L075), they have quite striking pattening/color and are very gentle(but active) in my experience;


They can be a tad expensive, but they are very hardy in my experience and full of character :) .

Snowball plecs- small and attractive, but i dont have any experience to share with you on these or the below fish, on the other hand i have read that they are quite peaceful plecs;


Queen Arabesque Pleco


orange spot plec;


Candy striped plec;



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