Mixing Otos


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
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St Albans, UK
i guess this is kind of odd, but i won't be doing it for a year or so anyway, when i have a house big enough to accomodate a larger-than-10-gallon tank.

but is it ok to mix different otos? i presume it'll be fine, but just want to check.
i have a trio of unidentifiable ones, so i'll just call them o.sp. and a trio of o.vittatus (in different tanks)
and i'm on a desperate hunt for a trio of zebras, i have an order in at wildwoods, so maybe in a couple of months i'll get lucky. they'll go into another tank with endlers.

when i get a bigger tank will all these guys be ok together? they will right?
Sould be absolutely fine to mix them :good:

Zebra Otos - Wholesale Tropicals often have them in, but (as they are everywhere) they are really expensive @ around £8 or so each :X
oouch. but i'm dumb with money. just put it on the card. that's what overdrafts are for. :p
and i'm scared of Bethnal Green...
I have two different types and they seem fine together. I've seen those zebra otos, cocoma, at Trimar for about £7-75 each. They are amazing. I saw some a few months back at one of my LFS's, but they were extremely expensive. Monty's had them at Trimar a while, so they should be well settled and in good condition.

I'm gald you asked that as I was wondering the same thing myself - I have two that look completely different from each other.

Apart from the fact one is around 50% bigger than the other and has quite a full belly (if I didn't know that it's almost unheard of, part from alexandcarmen's success that is :p , or them to breed I'd say it was a 'she' who was full of eggs). The big one is all mottled on her top half while the ickle one is a solid dark colour on its top half.

I'm going to get some more, but at least I know that I don't have to worry about mising them!

Cheers!! :good:
and i'm scared of Bethnal Green...
:lol: what like for real ?
Just jump on the bus (8 or 388 from Liverpool street) - it stops right outside the shop (just cross the road).
They (zebra otos) are lovely though, but to be honest (though my credit card is always very willing), I've not had much luck with otos. So not spending that much money on fish that die for unexplained reasons. I had about 6 to start off with - and over the past year they just slowing randomply died off. I now have one lonely oto :/
hahaha east london = bad people hahaha
but i live in Camden, so I can't really talk.

i've had my oldest otos for about 4-6 months, and new ones i got this weekend. i think i've been really lucky with no die off *touch wood*
To be fair, Wholesale Tropicals is quite an interesting place to visit. The family that run it are very nice, but have, shall we say, a rather dry sense of humour. That said, it's a great shop, and easily the best in Central London. Nowhere else really comes close. Amazing selection of fish, and usually pretty good prices, too.



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