Mixing Gourami Species


New Member
Oct 8, 2007
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Hi, I've got a new 4' tank that I'd like to put some gouramis into. I was thinking of one blue/three spot, one golden and one pearl, maybe a dwarf or a honey too, along with some small tetras, friendly barbs (cherry probably) and loaches. I've heard that the males will squabble though, if I got one male pearl and tried to get two female blue/gold would that solve the problem? There are a few live plants in this tank but it's not that heavily planted, a couple of plants on each side and some smaller ones in the middle, with a few rock decorations.
How many gallons/litres does your tank have? Count on around 10 gallons/30 litres per gourami for the ones you have in mind for them to lay out their territory.

The blue and gold gourami are the same species, only different colour morphs. These together with the dwarfs are the most agressive ones you have in mind. The pearl is the least agressive from the ones you are proposing. I am keeping pearls successfully with dwarfs in one tank.

Gouramis are only agressive towards their own type, but if you take tetras which are too small (such as neon tetras) they can end up as a snack for your gouramis.
The tank is 215L, so no problems there. However I am thinking of moving my seven neons from my smaller tank as I have two angelfish who're getting a bit big for comfort.

I'm thinking of maybe getting a pair of paradise fish as my first fish, maybe a pair of dwarf or honey gouramis later. Would this be a suitable compromise? I really like the peaceful look of gouramis.
Paradise fish are the most agressive gouramis, and are advised to keep in species tanks only. This species is nice to keep in a group, but don't mix them with other gouramis.

If you are keen on getting more gourami species together, I suggest you stick to your original idea of the blue gouramis and the dwarfs, or even better with pearls.
When you say paradise fish are the most aggressive, do you mean amongst other gouramis or will they attack my other fish too? The pearls are beautiful fish, so I've got no problem just having one or two pearls, just that I've heard they're a little shy (I'd post a picture of the tank layout, but I can't seem to find an attachment button >_>).

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