Mixing Dwarf Gourami With A Ram?


Mostly New Member
May 10, 2014
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I've just purchased a ram a week ago to go in my 20 gallon tank, I have 6 neons, 4 sterbai cory, frogs, amano shrimp, snails and a powder blue dwarf gourami. Didn't know what to expect adding the ram and DG together but they seem to be getting on fine, no conflicts in fact they seem to be getting on really well. Ram follows the gourami around a lot of the time its kind of sweet. Just interested if anyone else has tried this combination and if its worked for them? I've had issues with aggression adding them with their own kind but this seems to be working so far . . . fingers crossed.
They need differing GH stats..that could cause problems.
What is your full tank stocking right now?  It seems you are already overstocked...
For example, you mention "frogs", what kind and in what numbers?
I've checked my stocking on that aq advisor all seems good 80%. The frogs are African Dwarf frogs and I have 2 so they don't take up much room.
That website is not reliable. It's best not to trust it.

You have problems with your stocking as is. I would not add a ram to this tank. Besides, rams need more room than a twenty gallon allows. By the way, is this a twenty gallon long or tall, and can you provide the dimensions?
Yeah sure the dimensions are L60 x D35 x H43. So its around 23 gallons, 90 litres. I was told that 20 gallons would be ok for a ram by a few pet shops, most of the websites say this too?
It will work but it would be better if it was bigger. Footprint is what you need to worry about with Rams.
I've just purchased a stronger bigger filter so hopefully this will help manage the bio load more efficiently and ill keep up with my 50% water changes every week so hopefully it will be fine.

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