Mixing Cory


Fish Crazy
Apr 21, 2009
Reaction score
South East London
Hi, I've recently added a pair of American Flagfish to my 110 litre community tank and the male has now started nipping at my 3 peppered cory. Unfortunately it seems persistant and has now driven the cory from their favourite spot in the tank and they are all laying miserably on the sand now rather than playing like they usually do. So, I'm going to return the flagfish tomorrow and had the idea of maybe exchanging them with 2 more cory to make a larger school. I fancy trying a different variety to the peppered ones, but would like them to all school together. I've heard this can work, but would like to know if there are any particular cory that work well together or any combos to avoid?
In terms of them grouping I haven't heard of any doing so with peppers. Albinos will sometimes group with their regular forms which are typically bronze, otherwise you should expect to have two groups if you have two species. I keep mine in separate tanks.
i have two peppers and two others (for the life of me cannot remember the name) and they stay in their pairs, but they dont get upset by each other

I have always had mixed breeds, and they get along happily but dont seem to school together

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