Mixing Breeds?


Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
Oct 20, 2005
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San Jose,California
I was just wondering if you can mix a neon tetras,black tetras, and albino tetras? Oh, and cories, im not really sure if they have a diffrent breed than being a cory but in the store they have a cory cat. So just wondering if they would still school if they were diffrent. ;)

I don't want to waste forums space so I'll just ask all my questions here. I was also wondering on the amount of cories and tetras I can fit in my 10 gallon tank, and since I really dont want to have only 2 kinds of fish maybe you guys can tell me other good suggestions that I can have.

Please & Thank You!;)

different species usually won't school together, but it can happen

as far as a 10 gallon goes, you'll have a hard time mixing more than 2 species of tetras plus cories

one way you could go is honey gouramis, keep 1
a school of 6 small tetras
a school of 3 or 4 cories

that should be pretty good if the tank has enough plants (real or fake) for the fish to find comfort
different species usually won't school together, but it can happen

as far as a 10 gallon goes, you'll have a hard time mixing more than 2 species of tetras plus cories

one way you could go is honey gouramis, keep 1
a school of 6 small tetras
a school of 3 or 4 cories

that should be pretty good if the tank has enough plants (real or fake) for the fish to find comfort

That's interesting. Is a gourami a schooling fish or just an alone fish? I think I have a good amount of fake plants. I have 5 fake plants and a cave... Today Im going to buy 3-4 more I guess that would be o.k maybe size medium. Is that a good enough amount? What Kind of tetras should I keep? Same with cories what kind?
different species usually won't school together, but it can happen

as far as a 10 gallon goes, you'll have a hard time mixing more than 2 species of tetras plus cories

one way you could go is honey gouramis, keep 1
a school of 6 small tetras
a school of 3 or 4 cories

that should be pretty good if the tank has enough plants (real or fake) for the fish to find comfort

That's interesting. Is a gourami a schooling fish or just an alone fish? I think I have a good amount of fake plants. I have 5 fake plants and a cave... Today Im going to buy 3-4 more I guess that would be o.k maybe size medium. Is that a good enough amount? What Kind of tetras should I keep? Same with cories what kind?
in my duo deep 30 gal tank i have 4 neons ,4 glowlights ,4 black neons and 5 bumblebee gobis(amonst others)which all school together around a patch of green cabomba quite happily with each other
My friend has a pretty looking tetra that has a long gold line going through the middle of its body. What kind is that . It also has a red dot on the tail fin.
we have black neons, neon tetras and platinum tetras :wub: when we first put them all in the tank, they used to school together really nicely. they don't school anymore, except when the lights are first turned off. to be honest you do'nt really want your tetras to school, as this means that they do not feel secure in thier environment, they seem to exercise the whole safety in numbers thing! :D

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