Mixed breeds


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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Is breeding b/w species, i.e. b/w mollies and platiyes, b/w swordtails and platies, etc., easy and/or usually successful? I've read that it does happen, but if I were to add 1 male swordtail and two female swordtales, and the same number of platies, would the platies and mollies breed. And if I were to introduce a female molly into a tank with platies?
swords and platies may try to breed, but i doubt you'd get anything. mollies and platies or mollies and swords just won't happen.
I have had Platys and Swordtails for over 2 years, and have NEVER gotten a Platy with a Swordtail (dagger), or a "Platy Fat" Swordtail, or any kind of cross between them.

I think the only way you could get them to cross would be to "Force" them; ie, put a male Swordtail with a female Platy ALONE. They can cross, but prefer their own kind. :)
Hi in my tanks I've had swordtails and platies produce successful offspring. In addition endlers will happily cross with guppies. I know my platies have mated with the swordtails because the males grow tails :lol:
if i'm correct, Platties were actually bred down from Swordtails! which means they can cross breed, but you'd likely end up with infertile, albeit beautiful, offspring. of course, if you gave a Swordtail a choice between his foxy little girls or a chunky female Platy (who, i'm sure, the male Platties would all thing is the most gorgeous fish in the tank!) i'm pretty positive he'd pick his own species.
Well my platies and swords have mated, to be fair I did only have one male swordtail and the rest were platies of both sexes.

Anyway some of my platies grew up with swords :) And these swordplaties were then successfully able to have offspring of their own :thumbs:
lol this question pops up alot ... hehe :D no one seem to mesion that the fish have to have the same irst scinetific name eg. poliadae and xiphorus. (sorry they aren't spelt right) but thats why platie and swordtails a can breed with each other and guppys and endlers because of there specsie family. but as many have said some fish prefer there on kind and some fish are like breeding fanatics and breed with anything..... :crazy: :/ ...... my fish are weird anyways my platy always choose one partner as there favourite and always mate with them lol!! :D i love livebearers :thumbs:

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