Mitshu's Condition


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
I've not posted here in some time because I have been caring for my fish. They are all doing well, but Mitshu is a little lathargic again, but also floating instead of sinking.

It is normal for him to be so, at least when you look at his history. I believed he had a swim bladder defect. I came to this conclusion when I did research on his behavior and tried to remedy his situation when it said they odd swimming could have been caused by intestinal blockage.

I do have some bad news. Mitshu is still alive and functioning as well as he had been in the past, but he has developed a large lump on his side which has caused me to believe he has a tumor. While I do believe in humane euthinasia for extreamly sick animals, euthinasia for fish has not always put me at ease. I have read the many ways to do it and how it appears to effect the fish, and many I find too cruel.

Because Mitshu still functions normally and is not in a dying state (at least in a kind of dying state where he would just lie around, not eat, and get sucked into the light current of the filter as other fish of mine have in the past) I will allow him to live out the rest of his life. I cannot afford to take him to the vet, and my mother believes the vets in our area don't treat goldfish anyways. I am saddened by his state, but I am also glad he is acting normal... for him.
Hi again Little Orca
Sorry he has developed a tumour, my own oranda had a tumour for a few months that eventually claimed him. It was quite fast and peaceful in the end, he lay down on the gravel and just fell asleep.
As for the swimbladder, the tumour could be affecting his swimming ability or its pockets of gas forming in the intestine making him bouyant. Theres so many causes though and hopefully it doesnt last too long.
Have you noticed if his poo has any gas bubbles in it and are you feeding flaked food? I think i said the last time you asked about bladder problems that feeding flake that wasnt pre soaked wasnt good for him as it caused the gas to appear.
You could try starving him again to see if it makes any difference and feeding the peas.

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