

Mar 7, 2004
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Cardiff, Wales
I have 2 kuhlii loaches in my tank - one is 2.5 inches and the other is near to 4 inches.

I haven't seen the big one in 2 and a half days. I know kuhlii's sometimes bury themselves but mine have never buried (unless thats where the darned thing is now). I'm just kinda worried about him.
mabey try running a skewer throught your substrate? Have you looked around on the floor?


I would't see mine for days at a time. Its like they go on a little vacation sometimes. Dont worry, he's in there.
I didn't think you'd had them for that long?

Anyways, I am sure it is there. They do like to hide. All of mine love inside a piece of bodwood with java fern on it, although they come out frequently.

They are know for being quite shy and that is why it is best to keep them in small groups.

I haven't had them that long but they were more or less that size when I got them. Lovely lil guys.

Mine are usually quite active, usually see them out and about - been pondering getting some more. Since they are happier in groups I might actually get one or two more.

they should be fine.

I only ever see any of My Black and Kuhli, every 2- 4 days. And that is in the Back of the Filter forraging scraps.

it should be fine.

Try Keeping Banjos, You may See them 1 a Month.
i had the same problem when i first got mine. thought they'd been eaten. turns out, they'd discovered that one of the fake plants in mounted on a flat disk and they've burrowed under it, pulled out gravel, made a little tiny cave that they all crowd into and then will venture out into the thick plant next to it. so i have to really search for them,i see them once or twice a week (mine are tiny right now). i plan to get three moremyself, hoping they'll be more active and i'll see them more :lol:
i've heard of stories where people assumed that their kuhli loaches were eaten and didn't see them at all until they decided to strip down the tank a year later
and the kuhli's were STILL ALIVE! :hyper: :lol:

my upside down catfish would never be seen if i didn't know where his favorite hiding spot was! :crazy:
he hides upside down on the bottom of a log that he camoflages perfectly to
i know he has to move to eat cause he is still alive but he is VERY noctornal (he won't come out till the room is pitch black! i actually caught him once grazing on the decorations at like 2am)
i think it bugs the gourami cause once in a while he will shift on the log but since he is blended so well they only see the movement
all 3 of the gourami tap at him with their little feelers trying to find him :lol:
he's very good at staying still and has fooled them into thinking he's not there every time so far :rofl:
I'm sure he'll turn up soon - Freddy (the other Kuhlii) appears to be missing him though since he's always hiding with Duke (scribbled pleco) all the time.

Think I might get a few more Kuhlii's.. I'm currently debating between get more Kuhlii's or some Cory Cats though. If I get both I'll end up with a tank full of bottom feeders (not a bad thing really :p )
Kuhli's have also been known to "pull a Nemo" and get into the filter. But that's the very last place to look, especially for a grown Kuhli.

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