Missing Threads?


Fish Gatherer
Sep 18, 2009
Reaction score
Tamworth, Staffordshire
sorry if this has been covered elsewhere, but there is that many and long winded threads to traipse through!

in the old board, i used to be able to click on my name and see ALL threads i had made, and posts too.

now, i understand there can be ALOT of posts to go back, so some may get deleted. but i cant find my threads. and i'm a ditz at the best of times, and usually cant remember what i named it, what section it was in etc.

now i cant find a thread (possibly knowing me it is in ANOTHER existing thread :rolleyes: ) but i know i have more than 3-4 threads!

can anyone shed some light on this for me?

Once you are viewing your profile, under your profile picture it should say;
"find topics" or "find posts"
click it and all your threads should come up. :)
when i click on my profile, it clicks up "about me" in the middle of the screen, then i have to click on the topics tab


(pic included so you can see what i mean)
There seems to have been a cutoff of the dates, I don't know how long ago or whether the threads still exist, but it must be something to do with the upgrade.
have you found this too then? (i managed to locate the topic the long hard way in the end!)

i used to like having the ease of finding what i had started, as sometimes i had replies in there that i missed in the "view new content" and had to go find them and look
Mine seems to only go back to the end of November last year (for topics). Posts seem to go back to October 08. You get a few more if you go to the sidey bit than the tabby bit in the middle, but still not all of them.
There are probably some missing anyway, because they cant keep all the threads, or the memory will be full, or maybe they were lost in the upgrade somehow...
If I use the box in my profile it only has six pages of posts going back to Nov 2008 and it says I have 149 posts. But if I use search and enter my user name in that, it goes back to the beginning of 2007. However, although that does say I have 15 pages of posts, pages 14 and 15 are empty. But since I only joined in Oct 2006, and didn't post much at the beginning, I don't think many (if any) of my posts are missing from there.
I noticed this too, and I've brought it up in the mods forum. I'm not sure what can or cannot be done at this time.

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