Missing Peacock Eel...


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2007
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I bought 2 peacock eels a couple of days ago, ive had a fire eel before so i didnt think twice, however 24 hours after i got them, one of my eels went missing. i know the like to hide an escape and what not, but i havent found him outside my tank (trust me i looked...) and ive searched up and down my tank. anybody have any advice on trying to find this sucker? the other one is doing great, a typical hider, but at least i can see im. (the other one is lighter, almost albino, thats how i can tell the difference...) Plz help!
could be buried in the substrate or inside a internal filter perhaps?
I aggree, thats where one of my yellowtails went after I got them home (well the day after at least)
look in all the unlikely places,thats where you will find it
even several feet away from the tank is possible
Hmm, I checked my entire room (I live in a little dorm...) and I didnt see him. I also realized my AC died after I saw that my tank was 4 degrees hotter, would that cause them to hide? It would of been real sudden (I was wondering why it was so hot in here...), also after cleaning my tank the other one vanished under the gravel, so I'm guessing thats what the first one has been doing. Would it be advisable to sift through the gravel with my hand and see if I could find 'em?

Oh, and i dont have an internal filter so thats not it :good:
The Eel is under the gravel. Run your fingers through it and he will come out. Some Peacock Eels will spend most of their time hiding.
Please please please replace you gravel with sand ASAP!!! Spiny eels have delicate skin, which is easily irritated, and having gravel can cause a number of parasites to get in...
Please please please replace you gravel with sand ASAP!!! Spiny eels have delicate skin, which is easily irritated, and having gravel can cause a number of parasites to get in...
Yeah I know :blush: , I should be moving sometime this month :kana: , so I'll be getting some sand for them if thats the case. I'm really hoping i dont have to stress em with a change to sand, then move them across town right after...
yay! i found em! they had actually crawled inside my cave decoration (you know, the hollow part that fills with water to keep it sunk)! thats why i couldnt feel them with my hand! clever little buggers... Thanks for all the help guys!

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