Missing: Odessa Barb Colour


New Member
Nov 14, 2009
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My tank is a 29 USG. I currently have 3 Gold Guormi, 3 red eye tetra, 2 xray tetra, 2 male odessa barbs, 2 female odessa barb a flying fox and a pleco.

Everyone seems to be doing great except one of my male odessas. He's swimming and behaving normally. The only thing that has happened in the last month is his colour has completely disappeared, even on his tale. All my chemicals check out, according to my fish store, and I do regular water changes. I've had these fish for about a year and a half already and this is the first concern I've had with them.

Does anyone have any ideas about why his colours would dissapear?
Thanks Joe. I've kinda been thinking it may be stressed related. I do have another male and two female Odessas in the tank with him. I'm trying to be as non invasive with my water changes each week and tank cleaning, but seems like thats the most stressful time for him. I'll try to add in extra tap conditioner with the stress reducing formula, see if that works. I'll keep you posted!
Sometimes when you only have two males one will be dominent over the other. This could also be the problem. Getting more would help i'm sure.

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