Missing Frogs


Fish Crazy
Dec 1, 2008
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Right I added 2 Dwarf Frogs to my tank on Sunday. The went to the back of the tank probably to hide and seen them moving around to the front as the day went on. However since then I have not seen them since. To be fair I have not checked under my ornaments or anything like that but is it normal for them to be out of sight all the time. Do they not like to be on the move. 3 Days without a sighting seems strange.
Right I added 2 Dwarf Frogs to my tank on Sunday. The went to the back of the tank probably to hide and seen them moving around to the front as the day went on. However since then I have not seen them since. To be fair I have not checked under my ornaments or anything like that but is it normal for them to be out of sight all the time. Do they not like to be on the move. 3 Days without a sighting seems strange.

They do tend to hide when kept in small numbers and as a result this often makes it hard for them to compete for food,
I once tried keeping these in a setup with fish and i very rarely saw them, in the end i had to pretty much direct food into the hole that they were hiding in or I'm sure they would have starved.
Right I added 2 Dwarf Frogs to my tank on Sunday. The went to the back of the tank probably to hide and seen them moving around to the front as the day went on. However since then I have not seen them since. To be fair I have not checked under my ornaments or anything like that but is it normal for them to be out of sight all the time. Do they not like to be on the move. 3 Days without a sighting seems strange.

They do tend to hide when kept in small numbers and as a result this often makes it hard for them to compete for food,
I once tried keeping these in a setup with fish and i very rarely saw them, in the end i had to pretty much direct food into the hole that they were hiding in or I'm sure they would have starved.
Guess Im gonna have to find out their hiding spot so I can do that. How long can they survive without food?
My two ADFs are usually hiding somewhere in the tank or up by the filter...until I put bloodworms in and then I think they smell the food and appear out of nowhere!

What foods have you been putting in for your frogs?

I have two of these little fellas. It's their natural instinct to hide behind plants and rocks. That is why small hiding places for them are essential in your tank setup. To be honest, I wouldn't worry but if you really can't see them, next time you clean out the tank then take out all the ornaments and look for them. Also make sure to check that your tank is escape proof because it's a common known fact that these guys are escape artists! Hope you find them!
If the water is too cold, they jump out or possibly die. If you have other fish, they mighta got to em. Good luck though.

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