Missing Fish


New Member
Feb 23, 2025
Reaction score
Milverton, Somerset
I have just joined the forum but I have always kept Tropical fish even when i lived in south east asia and when i retired and moved back to the UK in 2014 i built a large pond with plants and goldfish but recently i decided to buy and set up a small aquarium, i bought a six sided tank set it all up with planted bog wood and gravel, left it running for a week before i bought 8 Guppies in the effort to start the Bio in the tank, that was 10 days ago after 3 days i noticed there was only 6 Guppies in the tank seached everywhere no sign or bits then over the next week every day fish disapear last night there was three this morning only two this has never happened to me before its very very creepy I have looked everywhere for a tail or bits nothing any body got any ideas!!!!


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Hello and welcome aboard! Sorry to hear you're having a rough start, it can be discouraging when met with problems immediately. Thankfully, I think this is an easy problem to solve but it may take some time and effort to resolve. You're a well seasoned fish keeper so you must already know about the nitrogen cycle, you mentioned adding the guppies to start the cycle but you didn't say whether or not you were testing the water and doing water changes? We're a helpful bunch here and without judgment 😊 we'll help you get to the bottom of things in no time 👍🏻
Welcome to the forum !

I imagine you have checked in the filter ? But will still ask.

What is that kit ? So we can look it up.
Welcome to TFF... :hi:
Probably the tank cycle hasn't happened well enough to have those guppies in there. But as already mentioned by other members, no judgement here. It would be helpful if you would try to see how your water parameters are at this moment. When a guppy dies, the body can already disappear in one day. I ssume that no fish has jumped out of the tank. For I do see that you have a lid.

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