Missing Fish


New Member
Jan 31, 2006
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As weird as it sounds I have a missing fish.
Every day I check to make sure all my fish are accounted for and that none have died. Three days ago I noticed I was down to 9 Rosboras. I have a tank with lots of hidding places so I thought he'd show up eventually but yesterday I did a water change and vaccumed the gravel and still no sign of the little guy.
I am pretty shure he's dead (well obviously you must be thinking) but with the body unaccounted for, is there any risk to my other fish?
I checked water chemistry every day and amonia is 0 nitirite is 0.1 and nitrate is fine.
ps: I don't think he was eaten because they are all about the same size :sad:
Have you check outside around the tank? Its entirely plausable he jumped out. How many gallons is the tank? Have you checked inside the filter and around planted areas in the tank?
Yes, I checked around the tank, in the filter, in the decorations, under the plants and around and under the rocks ... no sign of him anywhere.

Oh yeah, and my tank is 21 gallons (US)
This happend to me once i was planting

and i lifed some rocks and i burned one

of my tetras on accitdent.

Smething like this happened to me once, cept it was a half grown angel and later I found out my dog ate him :(
Herd of this theory the other day by a guy names darwin....

Basicly your fish learned to ride a bike and rode off into the sun set....

My sister had a tank full of guppys mollys plattys and the like nothing agressive or highly carnivorus, but one morning she came down and saw an orange lump on on the bottom of the tank, it was a platty head.

our best guess was that the other fish ad devoured the rest of the fish

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