Missed my baby birthday, gutted

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Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2020
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Hello everyone, I have a lovely female platt who had always been fat with a large belly which after seeing other posts had an internal problem so with her being happy etc I thought no more, after all I had her well over a month so in my eyes the gestation period had lapsed. Imagine my dismay that the other morning she was frantic for food and slim. Yes she had given birth n I had missed it n all the babies were gone. She's perky as hell n it may have been a relief for her but I'm sorry I couldn't save a few. The little bully boy barbs would have dined on fresh meat but can't blame them. The barbs are always dancing n get fat then slim so they must breed all the time . That's why I'm going for densely planted route to help nature take its course. I'll give them to Bob at lfs if he's here anyway.
That's disappointing... at least they breed often so you'll hopefully get another chance
Yer, the trouble is I was going to put her into another tank the night before n thought better of it I've stress needlessly so didn't do it . Boo
It is preferable not to move pregnant fish because you can stress them and even damage the unborn fry. If you have to move pregnant females, carefully catch them in a net and then use a plastic container to scoop the female and net up in some tank water. Move her (in the net in the bucket of water) to a new tank and then carefully pour her into the new tank.

If you moved the female to a smaller aquarium that would stress her.

If you used completely new water in the new tank it would stress her. If you set up a new tank for her you should fill the new tank with water from her current tank, so the water is exactly the same.

If the new tank does not have any plants in it will stress her. Put some plants in with her. Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) is the best plant for livebearers. It normally grows on the surface but can also be grown in the substrate where it grows into a lovely light green shrub.

If you don't have any live plants then add a heap of artificial plants to provide her with shelter when she goes into labour, and to give the fry somewhere to hide when they are born.

Make sure the new tank has an established filter in it so the water stays clean.

Do not put the female into a tank with males until at least 1 week after she has given birth otherwise the male/s will stress her out.

Try not to move the female for at least 1 week after she has given birth so she can heal up. If you have to move the female after she has given birth, use the method above for moving pregnant females.

Most female livebearers do not eat their young if the female is well fed and there are plants in the tank, but will eat them when they are confined to a small breeding trap.
Try and add places for them to hide, a pile of small rocks or a pile of marbles give them places to hide in. Plants like Hornwort are also good too. I have 3 fry hiding out in it right now. I also find fry hiding under moss balls. Good luck.

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