Miss My Cray Fish


Fish Fanatic
Sep 16, 2006
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just had to let my cray fish bruce got to my lfs yesterday. Really regret it now :no: , he was just getting to big i had him in my 55g (uk) community tank, he started getting to aggressive he was 9'' tho. i was the finall straw when he stated attacking my angels, :crazy:
does anyone else keep there cray in a comunity tank, and how big are they now
just had to let my cray fish bruce got to my lfs yesterday. Really regret it now :no: , he was just getting to big i had him in my 55g (uk) community tank, he started getting to aggressive he was 9'' tho. i was the finall straw when he stated attacking my angels, :crazy:
does anyone else keep there cray in a comunity tank, and how big are they now

there are a few of us. mine is 8 inch claw to tail, and a female. i have a 50ukg four foot tank, with plecos, loaches rts, angels, cory, rams, acara, firemouth, silver dollars and gurami. even a red crab.
just had to let my cray fish bruce got to my lfs yesterday. Really regret it now :no: , he was just getting to big i had him in my 55g (uk) community tank, he started getting to aggressive he was 9'' tho. i was the finall straw when he stated attacking my angels, :crazy:
does anyone else keep there cray in a comunity tank, and how big are they now

there are a few of us. mine is 8 inch claw to tail, and a female. i have a 50ukg four foot tank, with plecos, loaches rts, angels, cory, rams, acara, firemouth, silver dollars and gurami. even a red crab.

have you ever had any problems with yours, or are females more freindly
just had to let my cray fish bruce got to my lfs yesterday. Really regret it now :no: , he was just getting to big i had him in my 55g (uk) community tank, he started getting to aggressive he was 9'' tho. i was the finall straw when he stated attacking my angels, :crazy:
does anyone else keep there cray in a comunity tank, and how big are they now

there are a few of us. mine is 8 inch claw to tail, and a female. i have a 50ukg four foot tank, with plecos, loaches rts, angels, cory, rams, acara, firemouth, silver dollars and gurami. even a red crab.

have you ever had any problems with yours, or are females more freindly

no i have had no trouble as yet!! not really sure if being female has any baring, but the most angry Redclaw i know is male!! lol

thinking tank size may be a cause here. males do establish a home area. my female only establishes a no go area if there is food around.

you say it was attacking your angels, what form did the attack take? did the cray run at the fish, with its claws on the air(??) and sort of hugging the fish. or did it get a good hold with its claws? i feel cray do a lot of aggressive posturing, including prodding and head on charges, in fact i see this quite a lot. i have always felt that a cray of whatever size, is well able to deal with most fish. if the fish gets away with on injury, it is almost sure it was not an attack, just a warning to keep away.

one more thought, if he was gatting a little big for his hides, the aggression may have been caused, by his hunt for safty, during its next moult.

finaly i wish i had known you were gettind rid. i was looking for a Cray from a community to mate with mine, as males are better to be bigger than the female.
he used to charge with his claws i the air, also when it came to feeding, the angels used to try and steel the food from him.

i was going to post a message on hear saying that i was letting him go, dont know why i didnt now.

still the lfs he went to isnt going to sell him hes going to keep him in the store (frisby aquatics in hull) so i know he will be looked after
he used to charge with his claws i the air, also when it came to feeding, the angels used to try and steel the food from him.

i was going to post a message on hear saying that i was letting him go, dont know why i didnt now.

still the lfs he went to isnt going to sell him hes going to keep him in the store (frisby aquatics in hull) so i know he will be looked after

you are always best to look after your fish, but perhaps these were warnings not intentioned attacks on your fish!

glad to know the Cray will be well looked after
hiya ok

ive had some bad experiances with crabs and crays

i had 3 crays in a community tanks with 4 redclaws

(Tank size = Volume 173.28 litres / 38.08 UK gallons)

the crays like to attack and half eat the back end of the crabs :crazy:
I'm sure there are exceptions where people successfully keep carnivorous or omnivorous crawfish and crabs in community tanks, IMO it's a disaster waiting to happen. Most of these critters are nocturnal so they are out hunting for food while the fish are sleeping and less likely to be able to get away. Or they may keep the fish up all night causing stress issues which can lead to disease/illness issues.
hiya ok

ive had some bad experiances with crabs and crays

i had 3 crays in a community tanks with 4 redclaws

(Tank size = Volume 173.28 litres / 38.08 UK gallons)

the crays like to attack and half eat the back end of the crabs :crazy:

...Isn't three crays a little excessive for a 40 gallon tank?
I'm sure there are exceptions where people successfully keep carnivorous or omnivorous crawfish and crabs in community tanks, IMO it's a disaster waiting to happen. Most of these critters are nocturnal so they are out hunting for food while the fish are sleeping and less likely to be able to get away. Or they may keep the fish up all night causing stress issues which can lead to disease/illness issues.
first crayfish dont hunt!! they are opportunist scavengers! they will take dead or very ill fish.

second. if people do not follow simple rules, they are bound to have trouble. you can not just chuck a Cray in a community and sit back, if people cant be bothered to research their subject, imo they deserve problems. but blaming the Cray because people are too lazy to do research, well guess that's what you would expect.

if you know what you are doing. and are prepared to take action if things go wrong, cray in community's are far more common than you might think.

the reason you don't hear much about it, is people who do do it, are not prone to needing advice, from general forums like this, on their hobby, but take it from sources with far more knowledge, than they could get here!

with ill informed comments like yours, its no surprise that you here little about it here. why post to people who, on the whole, know nothing about the subject.

i'm a bit of an exception, on this. having discovered the joys of getting this right, i hope i can get others to enjoy it too.
Bobo dude, if you can spare the time, maybe you should write a few paragraphs and try to have it made into a sticky thread. It would certainly be nice to have all the info needed in one place.

You know... For sometime in the future when I cave in and buy a bigger tank just so I can keep one! :)
Bobo dude, if you can spare the time, maybe you should write a few paragraphs and try to have it made into a sticky thread. It would certainly be nice to have all the info needed in one place.

You know... For sometime in the future when I cave in and buy a bigger tank just so I can keep one! :)
ok i will sort one out. my be a bit contentius for a pinned item, but if we keep bumping it, you never know.
Could always pm a mod and ask them what they think... There are a few questions that get asked a lot in here, and lately a lot of them seem to be about crays. Just seems to make sense. :)

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