Miss Wiggle
Practically perfect in every way
Daddy did a lot of DIY this weekend and Miss Mittens helped out, her paws are usually so pristine and white i had to take a pic of her
Aw bless. She has been a busy girl hasn't she lol. Could be worse you know. Like when the dogs 'helped' me with the paintingDaddy did a lot of DIY this weekend and Miss Mittens helped out, her paws are usually so pristine and white i had to take a pic of her
or when my fish helped me with my bank balanceCould be worse you know. Like when the dogs 'helped' me with the painting
looks like she's been busy! What was she up to?
looks like she's been busy! What was she up to?
we were putting a new ring of sockets in upstairs, which involved making lots of holes in the walls and the floor, she just kept playing and coming to get fuss while we were working. end of the day she was filthy, bless her
You're DIYing mains cable? The grey stuff?
I hope you can get a certificate of conformity for the new wiring installation otherwise you won't be able to sell your house. DIY mains for the amature enthusiast is now illegal in the UK unless certified by a registered electrician.
I may be spouting rubbish, but worth looking into just in case! I wouldn't want you to fall foul of this....