Misleading fish shop labels.


New Member
Jul 21, 2004
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Surrey, UK
Recently I bought, what I was 'told' was an albino cory. I searched everywhere for suitable photo to check this species out and discovered it could even be an albino plec (god I am useless at remembering stuff like this!)....... I was in the lfs last week and noticed a tank with similar fish swimming around in it. On investigation, I noticed the tank was labelled 'albino loach'..... so I asked the man serving, what the fish were - just to be sure. He confirmed they are albino loach.

So, now I am even more confused. My digital piccies of said fish are useless, I cannot get anything remotely able to assist so I am hoping one of you might be able to post a piccie of either albino loach/cory or plec and I can then judge.

He is an algae eater, suckermouth type. Glides in water rather than swims, loves cucumber, is quite aggressive in my community tank (he hates a particular white molly with a vengence, but she is always after his food), is approx 3-4 inches long, thin and often 'sits' on things by using his fore fins rather like elbows!!! Slightly golden in colour.

I am more than confused about his identity and need to know if he is going to eat the remaining fish in my comm tank as he gets bigger (in which case, he can go back to the lfs.)
Reminds me of my CAE. Can't quite say what it is.

Pity you can't get pictures. ;)

Oh, you try to match a pic off google to your fish?
Sounds a lot more like an albino CAE. Cory's are not sucker mouthed, and plecs are seldom aggressive, whereas CAE's are notoriously bad tempered and get worse with age.

A bad picture will help. ;)
jflowers said:
This is the CAE and its 'golden' form.


If thats them then I recomend taking them back. One of my LFS's encouraged me to get 7 when I asked for five algae eaters. Biggest mistake I have ever made.


[EDIT: and these are bronze and albino cory's...


Oh god, thanks - its a CAE, in golden form. Typical of my wonderful LFS (I have posted about them before. Guess I will have to find a better shop pretty damn quick cos this is not the first time I have been let down by them.)

I distinctly remember saying I didnt want/like the idea of a CAE (having read up on them and noted comments on here and other forum). GRRRRRR now I am angry, cos in a funny way I have grown attached to him and his unusual ways..... but I guess he must go for the sake of the rest of the tank inhabitants.

Thanks Jon.........

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